Audio CD-lintuaänitteet
Etusivu > Äänitteet ja videot > Audio CD-lintuaänitteet
-MP3 äänite Meksikon linnuista
-soittoaika yli 6 h
-yli 650 lajia...
-soittoaika yli 6 h
-yli 650 lajia...
65,00 €
-MP3 äänite Venezuelan linnuista
-soittoaika 8 h
-yli 950 lajia...
-soittoaika 8 h
-yli 950 lajia...
65,00 €
This 2CD set features vocalisations of over 220 species found in the lowland to middle elevations of Costa Rica, including several which are the only known recordings in...
26,00 €
-Robb, M., Mullarney, K. & Sound Approach 2008: Petrels night and day; A Sound Approach Guide
- kirja ja...
- kirja ja...
45,00 €
The publication of the natural sounds of Jurassic dinosaurs in the quite serious collection of biological recordings published...
20,00 €
1 From the Cle Des Fosses to the Fond du Verne 8:53
2 At Guiny in mist 5:45
3 The large clearings...
2 At Guiny in mist 5:45
3 The large clearings...
20,00 €
1. L'Orque / Killer Whale 7:12 2. L'Orque / Killer Whale 5:14 3. Le Beluga / Beluga Whale 4:31 4. Le Narval / Narwhal Whale 9:05 5. La Baleine A Bosse Ou Megaptere / Humpback...
20,00 €